Taco Rice
Taco Rice
In Okinawa, one can find a seemingly boundless variety of dishes based on the culinary traditions of the islands and now heavily influenced by American tastes. Okinawan dishes typically use lots of vegetables, so they’re a wonderful option for healthy eating.

【Ingredients】 (5 servings)

[Taco Meat (タコミート / Tako mīto)]
Ground beef/pork mix (合いびき肉 / Aibiki-niku)….. 400g
Onion (Medium) (玉ねぎ (中) / Tamanegi (Chū)) ………..1
Tomatoes (中) (トマト / Tomahto (Chū)) ………………….1/2
Garlic (にんにく / Ninniku) ……………………………..2 cloves
Red cayenne pepper (Cut into rings)
(赤唐辛子(輪切り) / Aka tōgarashi (Wa-giri))…..Equivalent to one
Olive oil (オリーブオイル / Orību oiru)…………………….1tbsp
[Seasonings (調味料 / Chōmiryō)]
Ketchup (ケチャップ / Kechappu)……………………………..4tbsp
Worchestershire sauce (ウスターソース / Usutāsōsu)……1tbsp
Soy sauce (しょうゆ / Shōyu)…………………………………….. 1tbsp
Chili powder (チリパウダー / Chiripaudā)…………………..2tbsp
Salt (塩/ Shio)……………………. Pinch
Black pepper (ブラックペッパー / Burakku peppā)…….. Pinch
[Toppings (トッピング / Toppingu)]
Shredded cheese (シュレッドチーズ / Shureddo chīzu)…… 100g
Lettuce (レタス / Retasu)……………………. 5 leaves
Tomatoes (Medium) (トマト (中)/ Tomahto (Chū))……..2
Tortilla chips (トルティーヤチップス / Torutīya chippusu)……….15

Cooked rice (ごはん / Gohan)………………………………….5 servings

【How to Make】
① Mince the garlic and onion. Cut the tomatoes for both the taco meat and toppings into 1㎝ (little less than 1/4in.) cubes. Slice the lettuce into 1cm strips.
② Add the olive oil and garlic to a frying pan and keep on low heat until you notice their aromas. Add the cayenne pepper and onions, raise to medium heat, and fry until the onions soften. Add the ground meat and fry until you get a crumbly texture. Now add the tomato and seasonings for the taco meat, and continue cooking until all the flavors mix well.
③ Create a bed of rice on a plate, then add some shredded cheese, taco meat, lettuce, and tomato. Top with crumbled tortilla chips.

Recipe Developed by: Machiko Tateno